Venice Beach


Added on by Ace Norton.

Fun promo I shot in Wyoming with a bunch of real RVers for the new Addams Family movie- a celebration of RV culture through an orchestra of sounds from campsite objects.


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“The Undefinable”- a push for men’s synchronized swimming in the olympics & to celebrate fashion, synchronicity, and the beauty of the human form. Shot this in my favorite city, Mexico City. Featuring Billy May, Benoit Beaufils, Giorgio Minisini, Atshushi Abe, Renan Souza and Pau Ribes.


Added on by Ace Norton.

I made a satire about Los Angeles as a…VACUUM. A few years ago, I went to an art show at Bergamot Station in Santa Monica, I was drawn to this one particular painting called “Birds of Paradise” By Carl Dobsky. This painting told a narrative, it was almost historical in a way but it wasn’t ancient history. It was contemporary and presented a crowd of elegantly dressed rich white people drinking and doing drugs at a fancy pool party, totally unaware of the fire raging in the hills behind them.  It was like Emperor Nero who played his fiddle while Rome burned.  A few days later, I wrote this crazy little short film and appropriately called it, VACUUM.  It’s a little bit ‘LESS THAN ZERO” and a little bit “HANSEL AND GRETEL” :)

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Added on by Ace Norton.

Our brand film for Wedgewood, out of England, out now! Thanks to our collaborators at Ace Content for their continuing support. Welcome to Wedgewood: The Home of Daring Curiosity…


Added on by Ace Norton.

I made this film entirely in quarantine with my girlfriend Seyna, whom I live with, using only the resources around us. I wrote, directed, DP-ed, produced, operated, production designed, choreographed, and starred in it…We made the entire thing remotely- all props, costumes, camera equipment bought online and delivered by Amazon. Shot on my iphone 8 plus with the 8mm app.

I wanted to keep that creative part of the brain ticking so I wrote a short story about a month ago called “All Alone in April” as a reaction to what I was seeing around the world at the time, which was just a lot of loneliness, solitude, and boredom. I made it my goal to turn it into a film- It was going to be a filmmaking experiment, an exercise of will- knowing full well of all the challenges against us with everything being shutdown and of course, no budget.

 Seyna still had her job and was working remotely in the back room throughout quarantine, so we shot over a two week period- a couple hours each day on her lunch breaks and after work. It was our way of coping with the pandemic and keeping our minds occupied as a way to distract ourselves from everything that was happening in the world around us.

 It's a 10 minute long silent film set in the not too distant future about love in the time of Quarantine about a lonely widow quarantining alone as the apocalypse occurs outside her window.  The story is set in the not too distant future, recognizable as now but not quite reality as we know it…Everything is shot in my house with a few other scenes shot in my neighborhood of Venice Beach. Overall, it was an incredibly rewarding experience which gave me meaning and purpose through these uncertain and anxious times. 




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The creative circle celebrates 30 years of the festival: Golden Circle, with a large number of creative and innovative proposals from the national industry. Bringing together the creative publicity industry in every way. Around 1,190 creative pieces were enrolled this year within the 15 available categories. One of the greatest surprises of the night was for Wabi Productions to receive the silver award for the piece  “This is Rumba” by José Cuervo in the categories of “Best Production Design” and “Best Direction- Ace Norton”

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This film brought us around the world with some of my closest friends and collaborators- what an incredible journey….Watch our new film for Tribute Portfolio here:


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Birkenstock asked me to make a film for their store opening on Abbot Kinney, so I got all the Venice locals together and shot their bare feet!  Watch “An Ode to Feet” here:



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“This is Rumba” for Matusalem. Kudos to @BrahimRachiki for his amazing choreo and the lovely team at Wabi Productions for being so hospitable for our shoot in one of the greatest cities on the planet, Mexico City :)